Saturday, April 30, 2016

Nepali Literature

Nepali Literature 

Nepali Literature  alludes to the writing of Nepal written in the Nepali dialect. The Nepali dialect has been the national dialect of Nepal since 1958.

The Nepali dialect advanced from Sanskrit and it is hard to precisely date the historical backdrop of Nepali writing following most early researchers wrote in Sanskrit. It is however conceivable to generally separate Nepali writing into five periods.

Pre-Bhanubhakta Era

It is believed that Nepali writing has existed in verbal old stories for the past many years; however there exists no proof of a composed artistic work before the Bhanubhakta. Before Bhanubhakta, composing was done in Sanskrit, and on the grounds that it was a dialect open by high-station Brahmins just around then, numerous Nepali individuals were not included in writing. A couple of researchers have contended that artist Suwananda Daas was the main abstract figure ever.

Bhanubhakta Era

Nepali speakers honor Bhanubhakta as the "Adikavi" (truly signifying 'first writer') of the Nepali dialect. Bhanubhakta's most imperative commitment to Nepali writing is likely his interpretation of the sacred Ramayana into Nepali dialect. He composed the Ramayana in metric structure, utilizing the same structure as Sanskrit researchers. Other than interpreting the Ramayana, Bhanubhakta additionally composed unique ballads on an assorted scope of subjects: from promotion of family ethics to parodies of organization and poor states of prisoners.

Mid twentieth century 

Motiram Bhatta (1923–1953) resuscitated the legacy of Bhanubhakta and advanced the commitments of the last mentioned. Motiram assumed such a central part in the legacy of Bhanubhakta that some affirm that Bhanubhakta was only a manufacture of Motiram's mind.


The Pre-Revolution Era was an extremely productive time for experimental writing in spite of the absence of flexibility of expression, amid the period the autonomous magazine "Sharada" was the main printed medium accessible for distribution of Nepali writing. Short stories by Laxmi Prasad Devkota, Guru Prasad Mainali, Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala and Gadul Singh Lama (Sanu Lama), has gotten to be perceived as of colossal significance. It is apparently the most critical period for the improvement of Nepali literature.

Plays like the compelling Muna Madan by Laxmi Prasad Devkota tell the stories of human lives: the story is around a man who leaves his better half mother and home, travels to another country keeping in mind the end goal to win cash and his mom and spouse are now dead when he returns home. Be that as it may, the story likewise depicts the life of the spouse who endured incredibly without her better half. Different stories by Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala brought brain science into writing, for occurrence through manifestations, for example, "High schooler Ghumti", "Doshi Chasma" and "Narendra Dai".

This administration created a few conspicuous writers like Laxmi Prasad Devkota, Gopal Prasad Rimal, Siddhicharan Shrestha, Bhim Nidhi Tiwari and Balkrishna Sama. Later Period a few artists come into light amid one Panchayat administration. Indra Bahadur Rai,[3] Parijat, Bhupi Sherchan, Madhav Prasad Ghimire, Bairagi Kainla, Krishna Bhakta Shrestha, Madan Regmi, Dwarika Shrestha, Mohan Koirala, Upendra Shrestha, Ishwor Ballav and Tulasi Diwas and Krishnabhushan Bal can be named in such manner.

Post-Revolution Era

There are numerous cutting edge Nepali writers who have been dynamic in composing momentous, creative Nepali writing in the time after the Democracy Revolution of 1991 and proceeding into the present day, e.g. Khagendra Sangraula, Shailendra Sakar,Yuyutsu Sharma, Bimal Nibha, Nayan Raj Pandey, Narayan Wagle, Mahananda Poudyal, Toya Gurung, Durba Chandra Gautam, Roshan Thapa, Saru Bhakta, and so forth.

Among the more youthful era artists the names of Sarada Sharma, Ramesh Kshitij, Nawa Raj Subba, Suman Pokhrel, Homraj Acharya, Netra Atom, Raj Kumar Bania, Vivash Basti, Bimal Bhoikaje, Gayatri Bist, Buddhi Sagar Chepain, R. M. Dangol, Prateek Dhakal, Padam Gautam, Jyoti Jungle, Amog Kafle, Khadga Sen Oli, Sudip Pakhrin, Ramesh Paudel, Biplov Prateek, Hom Parbag, Vyakul Pathak, Khumnarayan Poudel, Saran Rai, Vishnu Rai, Rasa, Shyam Rimal, Promod Snehi, Chunky Shrestha, Rajendra Shrestha, Prakash Silwal, Prahlas Sindulee, Lal Gopal Subedi, Bimala Tumkhewa, Tanka Uprety, and Gyanendra Vivash can be refered to.

Nepali speakers are quickly moving far and wide and numerous books of Nepali writing are distributed from various corners of the world. Diasporic writing has grown better approaches for deduction and new branches in Nepali writing.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Women in Nepal

 Women in Nepal

The status of ladies in Nepal has fluctuated all through history. In the mid 1990s, as in whatever other Asian nation, ladies in Nepal were for the most part subordinate to men in for all intents and purposes each part of life. Nepal, as most social orders in the present world, was an inflexibly patriarchal society. Ladies' relative status, in any case, fluctuated starting with one group then onto the next.


Nepal being an overwhelmingly horticultural society, the senior female part assumed an ordering part inside the family by controlling assets, settling on critical planting and gathering choices, and deciding the costs and spending plan distributions. However ladies' lives stayed focused on their customary parts — dealing with most family unit tasks, getting water and creature feed, and doing cultivate work. Their remaining in the public arena was for the most part dependent upon their spouses' and guardians' social and monetary positions. They had restricted access to business sectors, profitable administrations, training, social insurance, and nearby government. Lack of healthy sustenance and neediness hit ladies hardest. Ladies as a rule worked harder and more than men. By complexity, ladies from high-class families had cleaning specialists to deal with most family unit errands and other humble work and accordingly worked far not as much as men or ladies in lower financial gatherings. Be that as it may, financial success alone, basic leadership was left to the men in the family.

The financial commitment of ladies was generous, yet to a great extent unnoticed on the grounds that their customary part was underestimated. Whenever utilized, their wages ordinarily were 25 percent not exactly those paid to men. In most country ranges, their livelihood outside the family by and large was restricted to planting, weeding, and reaping. In urban zones, those moving from country zones or with a lower monetary status were utilized in local and customary employments, and additionally in the administration area, for the most part in low-level positions.

One unmistakable measure of ladies' status was their instructive fulfillment. In spite of the fact that the constitution offers ladies level with instructive open doors, numerous social, monetary, and social variables added to lower enlistment and higher dropout rates for young ladies. Absence of education forced the best prevention to improving equivalent open door and status for ladies. They were gotten in an endless loop forced by the patriarchal
 society. Their lower status thwarted their instruction, and the absence of training, thus, tightened their status and position. In spite of the fact that the female education rate has enhanced observably throughout the years, the level in the mid 1990s missed the mark concerning the male level.

The level of instructive fulfillment among female offspring of rich and taught families was much higher than that among female offspring of poor families. This class dissimilarity in instructive accomplishment was additionally valid for young men. In Nepal, as in numerous social orders, instruction was intensely class-one-sided.

In the mid 1990s, an immediate connection existed between the level of instruction and status. Taught ladies had admittance to generally high-status positions in the administration and private administration segments, and they had a much higher status than uneducated ladies. This general standard was more relevant at the societal level than at the family level. Inside the family, an informed lady did not as a matter of course hold a higher status than her uneducated partner. Additionally inside the family, a lady's status, particularly a little girl in-law's status, was all the more firmly attached to her better half's power and to her parental family's riches and status than whatever else.


The Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal of 1990 contained a certification that no individual ought to be victimized on the premise of sex, and in 1991 the administration confirmed the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

A correction of 1975 to the common code presented the main clear procurement on property rights for ladies. It decided that a lady who stayed unmarried up to 35 years old had a privilege to acquire property. In 2002, a bill was gone in 2002 that conceded ladies the privilege to acquire property from birth, determining however that at the season of marriage any property must be come back to the guardian's family, with the spouse getting measure up to right to her better half's property. The 2002 bill included likewise different procurements on ladies' rights, specifically conceding a lady the privilege to separate under certain conditions, a legitimization of fetus removal, and expanded disciplines for rapists. The Interim Constitution 2063 of Nepal has some procurements to elevate status of ladies, the constitution says that a little girl can get square with parental property as child in the event that she asks, even a ladies can separate with spouse and get half of property of husband after separation, a kid can secure citizenship for the sake of his/her mom as well, in each legislative office 20% quantity for female must be saved and 33% of seats are safeguarded in parliament for ladies. These all endeavors are done so ladies can be in standard legislative issues of nation and else be socially and financially solid.

The endeavors made in the previous couple of years by the legislature and ladies have given ladies a more grounded way to deal with numerous viewpoints. presently ladies are occupied with legislative issues, business and in different fields . late reviews done by Nepal government has revealed an unfaltering and substantial change in the field of ladies rights in Nepal.


In Nepal, the custom of endowment is still basic, and settlement related savagery remains an issue. Accordingly, the share framework has been banned in Nepal. Despite the laws, occurrences of abusive behavior at home identified with settlement proceed, under a general impression of impunity. The act of endowment is firmly identified with social notoriety; and endowment viciousness is particularly common in the Terai belt. In 2009, Nepal ordered the Social Customs and Practices Act banning settlement; in any case, there have been no known instances of enforcement.

Tyke marriage 

Tyke marriage is basic in Nepal. The act of wedding young ladies is frequently determined by destitution, yet its pervasiveness shifts the nation over, contingent upon level of instruction, riches, geographic area, religion, and ethnicity.  These relational unions lead to pregnancy and birth at youthful ages, which frequently bring about well being issues, for example, uterine prolapse.

Beside the issues that emerge from the marriage itself, youngster dowagers are pervasive too. These dowagers are seen as witches and misfortune. They are compelled to atone for their wrongdoings and wear white for whatever remains of their lives. Remarrying, general joy in life, particular sustenance, family occasions, looking at men without flinching, and notwithstanding leaving home are forbidden to dowagers. This is particularly seen as an issue for tyke dowagers since they basically surrender their lives. Despite the fact that, tyke marriage is a piece of Hindu society, and numerous individuals see no issue with the practice. A significant number of the kid dowagers in Nepal endure misuse and injury amid and after their relational unions. The age contrasts among spouse and man of the hour are generally large.

More than 700 million ladies and young ladies on the planet were hitched before the age of 18. The uniqueness among men and ladies is clear, with just 156 young men wedded between ages 15-18 contrasted and 720 million young ladies. Nepal makes the rundown of the main 10 nations with the most elevated rates of youngster marriage.

Local violence

Nepalese social, social, and religious examples over and again implement the low economic well being of ladies, regularly prompting a ruinous way of life between sexes. This fierce society is most common in the conjugal part of their general public. Rather than being dealt with as equivalent individuals in mankind, Nepalese ladies are disgraced as not exactly a negligible slave to their spouses. They should never decline their accomplice's solicitations, and for the situation that they do dissent, the ladies are "rebuffed", until this conduct is revised. This part of Nepalese culture by and large goes about as a stimulant for household exploitation. However, as per Nepalese law, a ladies has encountered residential misuse if, and just in the event that, she has experienced constrained sex. Tragically, more times than not neither the ladies ambushed, nor the man doing the manhandling will report the wrongdoing. What's more, to exacerbate matters, notwithstanding when it is accounted for, any type of considerable discipline is at times executed.

In 2009, a study was led to decide the relationship between chose hazard variables and abusive behavior at home of wedded ladies in Nepal, matured 15-24. Researchers were resolved to comprehend this cycle of debasement before it spiraled wild. The study inferred that around 51.9% of these ladies reported having encountered some type of savagery in their lifetime, whether it be enthusiastic, physical, or something else. Truth be told, 25.3% indicated they had encountered physical brutality, and an astounding 46.2% conceded they had been a casualty to some type of sexual assault. These numbers stunned the exploration group, as well as began a chain response in the examination of abusive behavior at home in Nepal. As per a study by BMC Women's Health, logistic relapse investigation found that the proficiency status of Nepalese ladies, social insurance, age distinction, and liquor utilization had critical relationship with ladies' experience of sexual pressure in their marriage. The ProQuest Biological Science Collection likewise discharged a study, reporting that 21% of Nepalese men trust they are totally advocated in physically mishandling their mate. Likewise it demonstrated that around 5% of these men discover legitimization in utilizing power to have sex, and 3% that say they may legitimately confer infidelity if their companion is unwilling to have sex at that particular time. Therefore, keeping in mind the end goal to unravel the mind-boggling issue of aggressive behavior at home in the nation of Nepal, one should first address the spouse's convictions and social customs. Men in Nepal frantically trust that it is ethically right, and at times their metro obligation, to train their spouses in a physical house. For the improvement of these ladies, the general male conviction framework must be altered.

Researchers concentrating on the social parts of Nepal trust that the abusive behavior at home pervasive in Nepal can be followed back to 1996. In this year the Nepalese individuals persevered through the People's War, and its belongings were felt for quite a long time to come. Sorrow, nervousness, and general doubt cleared the nation. Before the war, little brutality had been recorded in Nepal. This overall frenzy may likewise be because of the way that contrasted with the unmarried youth of Nepal, a much higher extent of wedded youth reported viciousness at home. Marriage is the hidden issue. The principles and desires of marriage, as the general population of Nepal comprehend it, are all off-base. A Nepalese marriage can be all the more effortlessly identified with an expert and slave relationship, than a to spouse and wife. Marriage ought to be founded on establishments of affection and trust, however through degenerate frameworks, for example, share, this once blessed organization together is presently immaterial in Nepal.

In spite of the fact that a law was gone in 2009 called the Domestic Violence and Punishment Act 2066, it is once in a while authorized or acknowledged. This law against rape is so seldom executed that scarcely any Nepalese ladies even realize that it exists. Contingent upon the demonstration perpetrated, this law could send guilty parties to jail for up to six months. The result of these women's' lives could be radically decidedly impacted in the event that they had a protected spot to go and report the violations conferred against them. In any case, mind should be indicated after the demonstration, as well as an approach to keep the ambush later on. Level with consideration should be given in empowering between spousal correspondence from the begin of the marriage, as opposed to denouncing wrongful conduct later on.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016



Bhaktapur , truly means Place of fans. Otherwise called Bhadgaon or Khwopa, it is an antiquated Newar city in the east corner of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, around 8 miles (13 km) from the capital city, Kathmandu. It is situated in Bhaktapur District in the Bagmati Zone.

Bhaktapur was the biggest of the three Newar kingdoms of the Kathmandu Valley, and was the capital of Nepal amid the immense 'Malla Kingdom' until the second 50% of the fifteenth century. Today it is the third biggest city in the Kathmandu Valley, with a populace of more than 80,000, of which by far most are still Newars. Generally more secluded than the other two kingdoms, Kathmandu and Patan, Bhaktapur has a particularly distinctive type of Nepal Bhasa dialect.

Bhaktapur has the best saved castle yards and old downtown area in Nepal, and is recorded as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO for its rich society, sanctuaries, and wood, metal and stone works of art. This is upheld by the rebuilding and protection endeavors of German-financed Bhaktapur Development Project (BDP).

The city is renowned for unique kind of curd called "Ju Ju(king) dhau(curd). It is experienced by the curd producers that the essence of curd arranged in this area can't be discovered somewhere else all over Nepal


KHWOPA is the old name of Bhaktapur. The expression "Bhaktapur" (Sanskrit/Nepali: भक्तपुर) alludes to "The City Of Devotees". This Bhaktapur City is otherwise called "Khwopa" (Nepal Bhasa: ख्वप) or "Bhadgaon" (Nepali:भादगाँउ) or "Old Newari Town" all through the Kathmandu Valley. "Kh0apa" really alludes to the veils which are accepted to have been worn by divine beings and goddesses. Bhaktapur is famous for various types of cover moves taking into account lives of various divinities and accordingly, it was named "Khwapa" which later came to end up just "Khwopa," which is additionally close to significance covers.


It is the home of conventional workmanship and design, recorded landmarks and art works, brilliant windows, stoneware and weaving commercial enterprises, superb sanctuaries, lovely lakes, rich neighborhood traditions, society, religion, celebrations, musical spiritualist etc. Bhaktapur is still an untouched and in addition saved antiquated city that is itself a world to investigate for vacationers.

From time immemorial it lay on the exchange course amongst Tibet and India. This position on the primary band course made the town rich and prosperous.


At the season of the 2001 Nepal enumeration it had a populace of 72,543. The male occupants of this city wear an uncommon kind of top called the Bhadgaunle Topi.

Layaku (Durbar Square)

Principle article: Bhaktapur Durbar Square

Bhaktapur Durbar Square is a combination of pagoda and shikhara-style sanctuaries, generally committed to Hindu divine beings and goddesses assembled around a 55-window royal residence of block and wood. The square is a standout amongst the most beguiling building masterpieces of the valley as it highlights the old crafts of Nepal. The brilliant representations of the rulers roosted on the highest point of stone monuments, the gatekeeper divinities watching out from their havens, the wood carvings in each spot — struts, lintels, uprights, tympanums, entryways and windows — all appear to shape an all around organized symphony.

The illustrious royal residence was initially arranged at Dattaraya square and was just later moved to the Durbar square area. The square in Bhaktapur was seriously harmed by a tremor in 1934 and subsequently seems more open than the ones at Kathmandu and Patan.

Nyatapola Temple

Nyatapola Temple' is a 5-story pagoda situated in Bhaktapur, Nepal. The sanctuary was raised by Nepali King Bhupatindra Malla amid a 5-month period from late 1701 into 1702. It is the sanctuary of Siddha Laxmi, the Hindu goddess of prosperity.

Bhairab Nath Temple

This is another pagoda sanctuary of ruler Bhairab, the frightful part of Lord Shiva. It remains close to the Nyatapola sanctuary and was initially built by King Jagat Jyoti Malla on an unobtrusive scale. It was later redesigned by King Bhupatindra Malla, an enthusiastic beau of expressions of the human experience, into what it is currently a three-storeyed temple.

Dattatraya Temple

The sanctuary of Dattatraya is as old as the Palace of Fifty-five Windows. Blessed by King Yakshya Malla in 1427 AD, this sanctuary, as per mainstream thinking, was worked out of the storage compartment of a solitary tree. It was in this manner repaired and revamped by King Vishwa Malla in 1458 AD.

Just close to sanctuary is a religious community (Math) with perfectly cut peacock windows. These renowned windows were cut amid the rule of King Vishwa Malla. The religious community is loaded with masterful veneers of latticed windows and engraved columns.

Changu Narayan

Changu Narayan is an old Hindu sanctuary situated close to the town of Changunarayan in the Kathmandu Valley on top of a slope at the eastern end of the valley. It is 6 kilometers (3.7 mi) toward the north of Bhakathapur and 22 kilometers (14 mi) from Kathmandu. The sanctuary is one of the most established Hindu sanctuaries of the valley, and is accepted to have been built first in the fourth century. Changu Narayan is the name of Vishnu, and the sanctuary is committed to him. A stone chunk found in the region of the sanctuary dates to the fifth century, and is the most established such stone engraving found in Nepal. It was revamped after the old sanctuary was crushed. Numerous stone models here date to the Licchavi period. Changu Narayan Temple is recorded by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

The sanctuary is a twofold roofed structure where the symbol of Lord Vishnu in his incarnation as Narayana is revered. The stunningly assembled sanctuary has multifaceted rooftop struts indicating multi-equipped Tantric gods. A bowing picture of Garuda (dated to the fifth century), the vahana or vehicle of Vishnu with a snake around its neck, confronts the sanctuary. The overlaid entryway portrays stone lions guarding the sanctuary. Overlaid windows additionally flank the entryway. A conch and a plate, images of Vishnu, are cut on the two columns at the passage. Non-Hindus are not permitted inside the temple.

Ta Pukhu (Siddha Pokhari) 

Ta Pukhu (Siddha Pokhari) is a major rectangular water lake close to the primary city door. It was worked amid the rule of King Yakshya Malla in the mid fifteenth century and is connected with various myths. From this detect an extensive variety of blanketed tops are unmistakable on clear days.

Kailashnath Mahadev Statue

Fundamental article: Kailashnath Mahadev Statue

Kailashnath Mahadev is the World's Tallest Lord Shiva statue. The stature of this statue is 143 feet high and is arranged 20 km from Kathmandu, epal.The statues development work was begun in 2004 and was finished in 2012.The statue's initiation occurred on the 21st of June'12. This statue remains on the 32nd position in the rundown of all statues by tallness in the entire world. It has been made of copper, concrete, zinc, and steel. To make this colossal structure conceivable there were numerous expert specialists and statue creators from India.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Kathmandu Durbar Square

Kathmandu Durbar Square
Kathmandu Durbar Square before the old imperial royal residence of the previous Kathmandu Kingdom is one of three Durbar (regal royal residence) Squares in the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal, all of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. 

A few structures in the Square crumpled because of a noteworthy seismic tremor on 25 April 2015. Durbar Square was encompassed with dynamite design and strikingly showcases the aptitudes of the Newar specialists and skilled workers more than a few centuries. The Royal Palace was initially at Dattaraya square and was later moved to the Durbar square.

The Kathmandu Durbar Square held the royal residences of the Malla and Shah lords who ruled over the city. Alongside these royal residences, the square encompasses quadrangles, uncovering patios and sanctuaries. It is known as Hanuman Dhoka Durbar Square, a name got from a statue of Hanuman, the monkey aficionado of Lord Ram, at the passage of the royal residence. 

History and construction

The inclination for the development of regal royal residences at this site goes back to as right on time as the Licchavi period in the third century. Despite the fact that the present royal residences and sanctuaries have experienced rehashed and broad redesigns and nothing physical stays from that period. Names like Gunapo and Gupo, which are the names alluded to the royal residences in the square in early sacred writings, infer that the royal residences were worked by Gunakamadev, a King managing late in the tenth-century. At the point when Kathmandu City got to be autonomous under the guideline of King Ratna Malla (1484–1520), the royal residences in the square turned into the Royal Palaces for its Malla Kings. At the point when Prithvi Narayan Shah attacked the Kathmandu Valley in 1769, he supported the Kathmandu Durbar Square for his royal residence. Other resulting Shah lords kept on decision from the square until 1896 when they moved to the Narayan Hiti Palace. 

The square is still the focal point of vital imperial occasions like the crowning ritual of King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah in 1975 and King Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah in 2001. 

Despite the fact that there are no composed documents expressing the historical backdrop of Kathmandu Durbar Square, development of the royal residence in the square is credited to Sankharadev (1069–1083). As the principal lord of the free Kathmandu City, Ratna Malla is said to have constructed the Taleju sanctuary in the Northern side of the royal residence in 1501. For this to be genuine then the sanctuary would have needed to have been implicit the vihara style as a major aspect of the royal residence premise encompassing the Mul Chok yard for no proof of a different structure that would coordinate this sanctuary can be found inside the square. 

Development of the Karnel Chok is not plainly expressed in any verifiable engravings; in spite of the fact that, it is likely the most established among every one of the yards in the square. The Bhagavati Temple, initially known as a Narayan Temple, ascends over the houses encompassing it and was included amid the season of Jagajaya Malla in the mid eighteenth century. The Narayan symbol inside the sanctuary was stolen so Prithvi Narayan Shah supplanted it with a picture of Bhagavati, totally changing the name of the sanctuary. 

The most seasoned sanctuaries in the square are those worked by Mahendra Malla (1560–1574). They are the sanctuaries of Jagannath, Kotilingeswara Mahadev, Mahendreswara, and the Taleju Temple. This three-roofed Taleju Temple was set up in 1564, in a commonplace Newari engineering style and is raised on stages that shape a pyramid-like structure. It is said that Mahendra Malla, when he was dwelling in Bhaktapur, was profoundly given to the Taleju Temple there; the Goddess being satisfied with his dedication gave him a dream approaching him to construct a sanctuary for her in the Kathmandu Durbar Square. With an assistance of a loner, he composed the sanctuary to give it its present structure and the Goddess entered the sanctuary as a honey bee. 

His successors Sadasiva (1575–1581), his child, Shiva Simha (1578–1619), and his grandson, Laksmi Narsingha (1619–1641), don't appear to have made any significant increases to the square. Amid this time of three eras the main developments to have happened were the foundation of Degutale Temple committed to Goddess Mother Taleju by Shiva Simha and some improvement in the imperial castle by Laksminar Simha.

Friday, April 8, 2016



In Nepal, the economy is commanded by farming. In the late 1980s, it was the vocation for more than 90 percent of the populace, albeit just roughly 20 percent of the aggregate land region was cultivable, it represented, by and large, around 60 percent of the GDP and around 75 percent of exports. Since the detailing of the Fifth Five-Year Plan (1975–80), horticulture has been the most noteworthy need on the grounds that financial development was subject to both expanding the profitability of existing yields and broadening the rural base for use as modern inputs.

As per the World Bank, horticulture is the principle wellspring of sustenance, salary, and business for the majority.

In attempting to increment rural creation and expand the agrarian construct, the administration centered with respect to watering system, the utilization of manures and bug sprays, the presentation of new actualizes and new seeds of high return assortments, and the procurement of credit. The absence of conveyance of these inputs, and in addition issues in getting supplies, be that as it may, repressed progress. Although arrive recovery and settlement were happening in the Terai Region, natural corruption and biological unevenness coming about because of deforestation additionally forestalled advance.

Albeit new rural innovations expanded nourishment creation, there still was space for further development. Past experience demonstrated bottlenecks, be that as it may, in utilizing advanced innovation to accomplish a sound development. The clashing objectives of delivering money edits both for sustenance and for modern inputs additionally were risky.


The generation of products vacillated generally as a consequence of these variables and also climate conditions. Albeit rural generation developed at a normal yearly rate of 2.4 percent from 1974 to 1989, it didn't keep pace with populace development, which expanded at a normal yearly rate of 2.6 percent over the same period. Further, the yearly normal development rate of nourishment grain creation was just 1.2 percent amid the same period.

There were a few victories. Fruitful terrains in the Terai Region and dedicated laborers in the Hill Region gave more prominent supplies of nourishment staples (for the most part rice and corn), expanding the day by day caloric admission of the populace locally to more than 2,000 calories for each capita in 1988 from around 1,900 for each capita in 1965. Moreover, regions with access to watering system offices expanded from roughly 6,200 hectares in 1956 to about 583,000 hectares by 1990.

Rice is the most critical grain edit. In 1966 aggregate rice generation added up to somewhat more than 1 million tons; by 1989 more than 3 million tons were produced. Fluctuation in rice creation was exceptionally basic on account of changes in precipitation; by and large, be that as it may, rice creation had expanded after the presentation of new development procedures and additionally increments in developed land. By 1988 around 3.9 million hectares of land were under paddy cultivation. Many individuals in Nepal dedicate their lives to developing rice to survive. In 1966 roughly 500,000 tons of corn, the second real nourishment yield, were created. By 1989 corn generation had expanded to more than 1 million tons.

A Nepalese espresso cultivator

Other sustenance edits included wheat, millet, grain, and espresso, however their commitment to the horticultural part was small. Increased creation of money yields, utilized as information to new commercial ventures, commanded in the mid 1970s. Sugarcane and tobacco likewise demonstrated extensive increments underway from the 1970s to the l980s. Potatoes and oilseed generation had demonstrated direct development since 1980. Therapeutic herbs were developed in the north on the inclines of the Himalayas, however increments underway were constrained by proceeded with natural corruption. As indicated by government insights, creation of drain, meat, and natural product had enhanced however as of the late 1980s still had not achieved a point where nutritiously adjusted nourishment was accessible to a great many people. Also, the increments in meat and drain generation had not met the coveted level of yield starting 1989. Nepal has more than half of individuals occupied with horticulture. Sustenance grains contributed 76 percent of aggregate harvest creation in 1988-89. In 1989-90 notwithstanding poor climate conditions and an absence of farming inputs, especially compost, there was a generation increment of 5 percent. Actually, serious climate changes frequently influenced creation levels.
Some of the picks up underway through the 1980s were because of expanded efficiency of the work drive (around 7 percent more than fifteen years); different picks up were because of expanded land utilize and good climate conditions. As indicated by Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture (2008/2009) just 65.6% of individuals relies on upon horticulture and 21% of land is developed though 6.99% of land is uncultivated.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

PN Shah

PN Shah
Prithvi Narayan Shah, King of Nepal (1723[3]–1775; Nepali: वडामहाराजधिराज पृथ्वीनारायण शाह) was the principal King of brought together Nepal. He is credited with beginning the crusade for a brought together Nepal, which had been isolated and debilitated under the Malla confederacy.[4] He was the ninth era relative of Dravya Shah (1559–1570), the author of the decision place of Gorkha. Prithvi Narayan Shah succeeded his dad, King Nara Bhupal Shah, to the throne of the Gorkha Kingdom in 1743.


1 Early life

2 Unification of Nepal

3 Death and Legacy

4 Divya Upadesh

5 Gallery pictures

6 Notes and references

7 External connections

Early life

Prithvi Narayan Shah was conceived as a sovereign in Gorkha, Nepal. Chandra Pravawati (the main wife of King Nara Bhupal Shah) raised him, in spite of the fact that his organic mother was Kaushalyavati Devi. From a youthful age, he took enthusiasm for the undertakings of his dad's state and soon started to tackle these obligations. Prithivi Narayan Shah had an early long for overcoming Nuwakot, Nepal, halfway as his dad had lost it in a before war. After the demise of his dad in 1743, Prithivi Narayan Shah climbed to the throne of Gorkha at 20 years old. As ruler, Prithvi Narayan Shah esteemed his kin and delighted in conversing with his subjects about their general concerns. This practice helped him to fabricate an affinity with his kin, and helped him to comprehend the necessities of the natives of Gorkha. Prithvi Narayan Shah fixed his fringes and had kept up a serene situation aside from inaccessible relations with the British, who were declining to exchange with Nepal around then. Prithvi Narayaṇ was succeeded by his child, Pratap Singh

Lord's royal residence on a slope in Gorkha.

Unification of Nepal

Principle article: Unification of Nepal

Ruler Prithvi Narayan Shah's rule started with a prompt military annihilation; his intrusion of Nuwakot in 1743 AD fizzled. Overcoming Nuwakot was key for the unification, as it lies in the middle of Kathmandu and the Gorkha District, which made it a crucial exchanging course to Tibet. He effectively vanquished Nuwakot in a resulting assault in 1744 AD. In the wake of catching Nuwakot, he took ownership of key areas in the slopes encompassing the Kathmandu Valley. The valley was totally cut off from the outside world and was controlled exclusively by Prithvi Narayan Shah. Prithvi Narayan Shah likewise involved the Kuti Pass in c.1756 AD, ceasing the exchange through the pass and correspondence with Tibet. He finished relations with the (then) Muslim Mughal Empire in India.

After two embarrassing annihilations in Kirtipur, King Prithvi Narayan Shah vanquished the old city on his third endeavor. Subsequently, Jaya Prakash Malla of Kathmandu fled with his wife and took shelter in Patan, Lalitpur.

At long last, King Prithvi Narayan Shah started to bind together his vanquished lands. Weeks after the fact, when his triumph was stretched out to Patan, both Jaya Prakash Malla and the King of Patan, Tej Narsingh Malla, fled once more, taking shelter in Bhaktapur. Bhaktapur was likewise vanquished by Prithvi Narayan Shah after some time.

Demise and Legacy

Lord Prithvi Narayaṇ Shah was at last ready to bind together these already little realms into one country, Nepal. This unification was pivotal as the British pioneer strengths had as of now started colonizing the little kingdoms that shape present-day India. Lord Prithivi Narayan Shah was persuaded that the British powers would in the end approach Nepal. He trusted that 50 little territories would effortlessly be vanquished by the British as a major aspect of an arrangement to colonize Nepal. Bringing together Nepal made it more troublesome for British strengths to make their turn. His unification battle was exceptionally aggressive, particularly as he was the King of a (moderately) little kingdom encompassed by solid and effective neighbors. As yet, King Prithivi Narayan Shah could effectively bind together Nepal, which later empowered brought together Nepali strengths to battle against British provincial powers and counteract outside colonization of Nepal.

Prithvi Narayan Shah passed on in the monstrous Nuwakot royal residence, tragically before he could successfully arrange the organization of his new nation. He passed on in January 1775, at 52 years old. Upon his passing his child, Pratap Singh Shah, succeeded him and his unification battle was proceeded by his more youthful child, Bahadur Shah. Quite a bit of Prithvi Narayan Shah's work is noticeable in current Nepal.

Divya Upadesh

Notwithstanding the unification of Nepal, King Prithivi Narayan Shah laid out his thoughts for the managing standards of administration, patriotism and outside arrangement in his Divya Upadesh. In the Divya Upadesh, he laid out nine standards, a large portion of which are obscure or cloud. Four of the nine are recorded here:

1. "Nepal is a little yam between two stones." This demonstrates Nepal's area between the extensive forces of China and India.

2. "Both the general population, who take and who give pay off, are foes of the country. There will be no wrongdoing in executing them."

3. "Nepal is a greenery enclosure of four standings (comprising of Kshatriya, Brahman, Vaishya and Shudras) and thirty-six sub-stations."

4. "Regardless of the fact that there is settlement in spots with mines/quarries, migrate the settlement and work the mine."

He likewise wished his successors to be well disposed with the Chinese, and careful about the English.


The Koshi or Kosi River (Nepali: कोशी नदी, koshī nadī कोसी नदी, kosī nadī) channels the northern inclines of the Himalayas in the Tibet Autonomous Region and the southern slants in Nepal. From a noteworthy intersection of tributaries north of the Chatra Gorge onwards, the Koshi River is otherwise called Saptakoshi (Nepali: सप्तकोशी, saptakoshī) for its seven upper tributaries. These incorporate the Tamur Koshi starting from the Kanchenjunga range in the east, Arun River from Tibet and Sun Koshi from the Gosainthan territory more distant west. The Sun Koshi's tributaries from east to west are Dudh Koshi, Bhote Koshi, Tamba Koshi and Indravati Koshi. The Saptakoshi crosses into northern Bihar where it branches into distributaries before joining the Ganges close Kursela in Katihar district.[2]

The Saptakoshi is 720 km (450 mi) long and depletes a range of around 61,000 km2 (24,000 sq mi) in Tibet, Nepal and Bihar.[1] previously, a few creators recommended that the stream has moved its course for more than 133 km (83 mi) from east to west amid the most recent 200 years. However, an audit of 28 chronicled maps dating 1760 to 1960 uncovered a slight eastbound movement for a long term, and that the moving was irregular and wavering in nature.[3]

The stream bowl is encompassed by edges which isolate it from the Yarlung Tsangpo River in the north, the Gandaki in the west and the Mahananda in the east. The waterway is joined by significant tributaries in the Mahabharat Range around 48 km (30 mi) north of the Indo-Nepal outskirt. Underneath the Siwaliks, the waterway has developed a megafan approximately 15,000 km2 (5,800 sq mi) in degree, breaking into more than twelve unmistakable channels, all with moving courses because of flooding.[4][5] Kamalā, Bāgmati (Kareh) and Budhi Gandak are significant tributaries of Koshi in India, other than minor tributaries, for example, Bhutahi Balān.[6][7]

Its flimsy nature has been ascribed to the overwhelming sediment it conveys amid the storm season and flooding in India has great effects.[8] Fishing is a critical endeavor on the stream however angling assets are being drained and youth are leaving for different regions of work.[9]

Substance [hide]

1 Geography

2 Floods

2.1 2008 surge in Bihar

3 Glaciers, icy mass lakes and upheaval surges

4 Development situation

4.1 Multipurpose ventures

4.2 Kosi torrent and watering system

4.3 Kosi dike framework

4.4 Sapta Kosi High Multipurpose Project (Indo-Nepal)

4.5 Hydropower

5 Adventure games

5.1 River rafting

5.2 Fishing

6 Cultural noteworthiness

7 Protected regions

7.1 Sagarmatha National Park

7.2 Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve

8 See too

9 References

10 Further perusing

11 External connections


Dudh Koshi, one of the seven Himalayan tributaries of Koshi stream

Streams in Barun waterway valley Nepal - they join and converge into Arun stream, another tributary of Koshi stream

The Kosi River catchment covers six topographical and climatic belts differing in height from above 8,000 m (26,000 ft) to 95 m (312 ft) including the Tibetan level, the Himalayas, the Himalayan mid-slope belt, the Mahabharat Range, the Siwalik Hills and the Terai. The Dudh-Kosi sub-bowl alone comprises of 36 ice sheets and 296 ice sheet lakes.[10] The Kosi River bowl fringes the Tsangpo River bowl in the north, the Mahananda River bowl in the east, the Ganges Basin in the south and the Gandaki River bowl in the west.[11] The eight tributaries of the bowl upstream the Chatra Gorge incorporate from east to west:[12]

Tamur River with a region of 6,053 km2 (2,337 sq mi) in eastern Nepal;

Arun River with a region of 33,500 km2 (12,900 sq mi), the majority of which is in Tibet;

Sun Kosi with a region of 4,285 km2 (1,654 sq mi) in Nepal and its northern tributaries Dudh Kosi, Likhu Khola, Tama Koshi, Bhote Koshi and Indravati.

The three noteworthy tributaries meet at Triveni, from where they are called Sapta Kosi meaning Seven Rivers. Subsequent to moving through the Chatra Gorge the Sapta Kosi is controlled by the Koshi Barrage before it channels into the Gangetic plain.[12]

Crests situated in the bowl incorporate Mount Everest, Kangchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, Cho Oyu and Shishapangma.[13] The Bagmati stream sub-bowl frames the south-western part of the general Koshi bowl. The Dudh Kosi joins the Sun Kosi close to the Nepalese town of Harkapur. At Barāhkṣetra in Nepal it rises up out of the mountains and turns into the Koshi. In the wake of streaming another 58 km (36 mi) it crosses into Bihar, India, close Bhimnagar and after another 260 km (160 mi) joins the Ganges close Kursela.

The Kosi alluvial fan is one of the biggest on the planet, and reaches out from Barāhkṣetra crosswise over Nepalese domain, covering upper east Bihar and eastern Mithila to the Ganges, 180 km (110 mi) long and 150 km (93 mi) wide. It indicates proof of parallel channel moving surpassing 120 km (75 mi) amid the previous 250 years, by means of no less than twelve noteworthy channels. The waterway, which streamed close Purnea in the eighteenth century, now streams west of Saharsa. A satellite picture demonstrates old stations with a juncture before 1731 with the Mahananda River north of Lava.[14]


Overflowed north Bihar, India

The Kosi River is known as the "Distress of Bihar" as the yearly surges influence around 21,000 km2 (8,100 sq mi) of fruitful horticultural grounds consequently exasperating the country economy.[2][15][16]

The Koshi has a normal water stream (release) of 2,166 cubic meters for every second (76,500 cu ft/s).[17] During surges, it increments to as much as 18 times the normal. The best recorded surge was 24,200 m3/s (850,000 cu ft/s) on 24 August 1954. The Kosi Barrage has been intended for a crest surge of 27,014 m3/s (954,000 cu ft/s)(2).

Broad soil disintegration and avalanches in its upper catchment have delivered a residue yield of around 19 m3/ha/year (10 cu yd/section of land/yr), one of the most astounding on the planet. Of real tributaries, the Arun brings the best measure of coarse residue in extent to its aggregate dregs load. The waterway transports dregs down the lofty angles and tight chasms in the mountains and foothills where the inclination is no less than ten meters for each km. On the fields past Chatra, the angle falls underneath one meter for every km to as meager as 6 cm for each km as the waterway approaches the Ganges. Flow moderates and the residue load settles out of the water and is stored on a monstrous alluvial fan that has developed to a territory of around 15 000 km2. This fan broadens somewhere in the range of 180 km from its summit where it leaves the foothills, over the universal fringe into Bihar state and on to the Ganges. The stream has various joining channels that move along the side over the fan every once in a while. Without channelisation, surges spread out generally. The record stream of 24 200 m3/s is proportionate to water a meter profound and more than 24 km wide, streaming at one meter for each second.

The Kosi's alluvial fan has fruitful soil and bounteous groundwater in a part of the world where horticultural area is in awesome interest. Subsistence ranchers adjust the risk of starvation with that of surges. Thus, the surge inclined zone is thickly populated and subject to overwhelming death toll. India has more surge passings than any nation aside from Bangladesh.

2008 surge in Bihar[edit]

Principle article: 2008 Bihar surge

Koshi before surge (upper picture), and overflowed in August 2008. Kindness: NASA Satellites (USA).

On 18 August 2008, the Kosi waterway got an old channel it had surrendered more than 100 years beforehand close to the outskirt with Nepal and India. Around 2.7 million individuals were influenced as the waterway softened its bank at Kusaha up Nepal, submerging a few regions of Nepal and India. 95% of the Koshi's aggregate moved through the new course.[18][19] The most noticeably awful influenced regions included Supaul, Araria, Saharsa, Madhepura, Purnia, Katihar, parts of Khagaria and northern parts of Bhagalpur, and in addition adjoing districts of Nepal. Help work was completed with Indian Air Force helicopters by dropping alleviation materials from Purnia in the most noticeably bad hit locale where almost two million persons were trapped.[18] The greatness of passings or demolition were difficult to gauge, as the influenced zones were blocked off. 150 individuals were accounted for washed away in a solitary incident.[20] Another news thing expressed that 42 individuals had died.[21]

The Government of Bihar met a specialized council, headed by a resigned engineer-in-head of the water asset office to oversee the reclamation work and close the rupture in the East Kosi afflux embankment.[21] Indian powers attempted to counteract broadening of the break, and channels were to be burrowed to coordinate the water back to the principle stream bed.[22]

The anger of the Koshi waterway left no less than 2.5 million individuals marooned in eight areas and immersed 650 km2. The PM of India proclaimed it a national catastrophe. The Indian Army, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and non-government associations worked the greatest surge salvage operation in India in more than 50 years.[23][24]

Icy masses, ice sheet lakes and upheaval floods[edit]

In the Himalayas, icy masses are liquefying and withdrawing, which creates lakes unstably dammed by ice or moraines. These dams are at danger of breaking, bringing on a Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) with streams as awesome as 10,000 cubic meters a second.

In the previous two decades GLOF has turned into a theme of extreme exchange inside of the improvement group in Nepal. The Dig Tsho GLOF on 4 August 1985, totally pulverized the about finished Namche hydropower plant and all scaffolds, trails, development fields, houses and animals along its way to the conjunction of the Dudh-Koshi and the Sun-Koshi streams more than 90 km (56 mi). The Dig Tsho icy mass is on the end of the Langmoche Glacier. This occasion brought into center the earnestness of such occasions and the studies to evaluate the ice sheets, icy mass lakes and GLOF took after.

Investigations of the ice sheets and icy mass lakes were done in 1988 by a joint Sino-Nepalese group.



The Gandaki River (otherwise called the Narayani in southern Nepal and the Gandak in India) is one of the real waterways of Nepal and a left bank tributary of the Ganges in India. In Nepal the waterway is remarkable for its profound chasm through the Himalayas and its tremendous hydroelectric potential. It has an aggregate catchment region of 46,300 square kilometers (17,900 sq mi), the vast majority of it in Nepal. The bowl additionally contains three of the world's 14 mountains more than 8,000 meters (26,000 ft), Dhaulagiri, Manaslu and Annapurna I. Dhaulagiri is the most elevated purpose of the Gandaki bowl. It lies between the comparable Kosi framework toward the east and the Karnali (Ghaghara) framework toward the west.

Stream course


In Nepal, the stream rapidly crosses distinctive zones of atmosphere

Here, only 25 kilometers (16 mi) downstream from the spot above, it courses through a pine woods

The Kali Gandaki stream source is at the outskirt with Tibet at a rise of 6,268 meters (20,564 ft) at the Nhubine Himal Glacier in the Mustang locale of Nepal.

The headwaters stream on a few maps is named the Chhuama Khola and afterward, nearing Lo Manthang, the Nhichung Khola or Choro Khola. The Kali Gandaki then streams southwest (with the name of Mustang Khola on old, obsolete maps) through a sheer-sided, profound ravine before broadening at the steel footbridge at Chele, where a portion of its stream pipes through a stone passage, and starting here the now wide waterway is known as the Kali Gandaki on all maps. In Kagbeni a noteworthy tributary named Johng Khola, Kak Khola or Krishnaa slips from Muktinath.

The waterway then streams southward through a lofty crevasse known as the Kali Gandaki Gorge, or Andha Galchi, between the mountains Dhaulagiri, height 8,167 meters (26,795 ft) toward the west and Annapurna I, rise 8,091 meters (26,545 ft) toward the east. In the event that one measures the profundity of a gulch by the distinction between the stream stature and the statures of the most astounding tops on either side, this canyon is the world's most profound. The part of the waterway straightforwardly in the middle of Dhaulagiri and Annapurna I, 7 kilometers (4 mi) downstream from Tukuche), is at a rise of 2,520 meters (8,270 ft),[3] which is 5,571 meters (18,278 ft) lower than Annapurna I. The waterway is more established than the Himalayas. As tectonic movement drives the mountains higher, the waterway has sliced through the inspire.

South of the canyon, the stream is joined by Rahughat Khola at Galeshwor, Myagdi Khola at Beni, Modi Khola close Kushma and Badigaad at Rudrabeni above Ridi Bazaar. The stream then swings east to keep running along the northern edge of the Mahabharat Range. The biggest hydroelectricity venture in Nepal is situated along this stretch of the waterway. Turning south again and getting through the Mahabharats, Kali Gandaki is then joined by a noteworthy tributary, the Trishuli, at Devighat, then by the East Rapti River depleting the Inner Terai valley known as Chitwan. The Gandaki then crosses the peripheral foothills of the Himalayas—Sivalik Hills—into the Terai fields of Nepal. From Devighat, the stream streams southwest of Gaindakot town. The waterway later bends back towards the southeast as it enters India where it is known as the Gandak.

Underneath Gaindakot the waterway is known as the Narayani or Sapt Gandaki (Seven Gandakis), for seven tributaries ascending in the Himalaya or further north along the fundamental Ganges-Brahmaputra isolate. These are the Kali Gandaki, the Trishuli River, and the five principle tributaries of the Trishuli known as the Daraudi, Seti, Madi, Marsyandi and Budhi.

Waterway Gandaki in Kagbeni Nepal before entering India


The passage purpose of the stream at the Indo–Nepal fringe is additionally the conversion called Triveni with waterways Pachnad and Sonha plummeting from Nepal. Pandai waterway streams into Bihar (India) from Nepal in the eastern end of the Valmiki Sanctuary and meets Masan. The Gandak streams southeast 300 kilometers (190 mi) over the Gangetic plain of Bihar state through West Champaran, Gopalganj, Saran and Muzaffarpur regions. It joins the Ganges close Patna only downstream of Hajipur at Sonepur (otherwise called Harihar Kshetra). Its waste zone in India is 7,620 square kilometers (2,940 sq mi).

From its way out from the peripheral Siwaliks foothills to the Ganges, the Gandak has manufactured a tremendous megafan including Eastern Uttar Pradesh and North Western Bihar in the Middle Gangetic Plains. The megafan comprises of silt disintegrated from the quickly elevating Himalaya. The stream's course over this structure is always moving. It is said[who?] that the stream has moved 80 kilometers (50 mi) toward the east because of tectonic tilting in the most recent 5,000 years.

Icy masses, chilly lakes and frigid lake upheaval floods

The Gandaki waterway bowl is accounted for to contain 1025 icy masses and 338 lakes. These contribute generously to the incline season streams of the waterway.

Icy mass lakes, among the most unsafe components of high mountains, are typically framed behind dams of moraine flotsam and jetsam abandoned by withdrawing icy masses, a pattern that is watched everywhere throughout the world. Despite the fact that icy lake upheaval surge (GLOF) occasions have been happening in Nepal for a long time, the Dig Tsho ice sheet upheaval, which occurred in 1985, has activated point by point investigation of this marvel. In 1996, the Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS) of Nepal reported that five lakes were possibly hazardous, to be specific, Dig Tsho, Imja, Lower Barun, Tsho Rolpa, and Thulagi, all lying above 4,100 meters (13,500 ft). A late study done by ICIMOD and (UNEP, 2001) reported 27 conceivably hazardous lakes in Nepal. In ten of them GLOF occasions have happened in the previous couple of years and some have been recovering after the occasion.

Thulagi glacier

The Thulagi ice sheet, which is situated in the Upper Marsyangdi River bowl, is one out of the two moraine-dammed lakes (supra-icy lakes), distinguished as a conceivably perilous lake. The KfW, Frankfurt, the BGR (Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany), in participation with the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology in Kathmandu, have done studies on the Thulagi Glacier and have inferred that notwithstanding accepting the most pessimistic scenario, a lamentable upheaval of the lake can be barred in the close future.

Imperative towns

Real towns and urban communities situated along or close to the banks of the Kali Gandaki are Lo Manthang, Jomsom, Beni, Baglung, Kusma, Ridi, Devghat, Bharatpur, Valmikinagar and Triveni. The stream likewise frames the western fringe of Chitwan National Park. Along the stretch in Nepal, the waterway conveys substantial measures of frigid sediment, granting the stream a dark shading. The Kali Gandaki, Marshyandi and Seti Rivers are prominent whitewater experience destinations.

Kali Gandaki River close Ghasa, in the middle of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri

The essential towns in the Indian part of the Gandak stream are the Valmikinagar(Bhainsalotan)- area of Gandak Barrage, Bagaha, Bettiah (locale hqrs and field directorate of Valmiki Tiger Project), Harinagar (Ramnagar), Hajipur (over the Ganges 10 km from Patna) and Sonepur (otherwise called Harihar Kshetra), close Patna.

In customary and prominent culture

The Gandaki waterway is specified in the old Sanskrit epic Mahabharata.

Its development is depicted in Shiva Purana, Kumarakhand, in the part of the murdering of Shankhachuda.

Scene 1 of "The Living Planet," David Attenborough's second nature narrative arrangement, is set in the Kali Gandaki Gorge.

Gandaki stream that partitions Syangja District and Palpa District in Ramghat

National Parks

Chitwan National Park of Nepal and Valmiki National Park of India are nearby each other in the region of Valmikinagar around the Gandak Barrage.

Chitwan National Park

Illustrious Chitwan National Park

IUCN classification II (national park)

Elephant safari after Indian rhinoceros

Chitwan National Park covers a range of 932 square kilometers (360 sq mi). Built up in 1973, it is the most established national park of Nepal. It was allowed the status of a World Heritage Site in 1984. It is situated in Chitwan, one of the Inner Terai Valleys of Nepal. The recreation center is rich in widely varied vegetation, including Bengal Tigers and one of the last populaces of single-horned Indian (Rhinoceros unicornis). The range used to be known as the Chitwan Valley. It was a spot for big game chasing and until 1951 it was a chasing hold. At the recreation center there is paddling, elephant rides, and guided wilderness strolls.

Valmiki National Park

Valmiki Sanctuary covers around 800 square kilometers (310 sq mi) of woods and was the eighteenth tiger save built up in India. It is positioned fourth in wording thickness of tiger populace. Valmikinagar is found almost 100 kilometers (62 mi) from Bettiah in the northernmost part of the West Champaran area, Bihar, flanking Nepal. Valmikinagar is a residential community with scattered residence, generally inside of the timberland region and has a railroad station in the region of West Champaran, near the railhead of Narkatiaganj. It has different scenes, shielding rich natural life living spaces and flower and faunal creation with the prime ensured carnivores and was incorporated into the National Conservation Program of the Project Tiger in the year 1994.

Nepal Police

  Nepal Police
Since policing is an established commitment with respect to the legislature in Nepal, Nepal Police Organization is the fundamental authoritative mechanical assembly in the hands of the administration to protect individuals' sacred rights and to keep up peace in the nation.


1 Gallery

2 History

2.1 Prior to 1864 AD

2.2 During The Rana Regime (1864-1951 AD)

2.3 During The Period 1951 till 1990

2.4 From The Period 1990 Till Date

3 Chiefs of Nepal Police

4 Departments

5 National Police Academy

5.1 Crime Investigation Department

5.2 Administration Department

5.3 Human Resource Development Department

5.4 Operations Department

5.5 Metropolitan Police Commissioner's Office

5.6 Traffic Police Division

5.7 Central Polygraph Section

5.8 Research and Planning Directorate

6 Uniform

7 Rank Insignia

8 Firearms

9 References

10 See moreover

11 External connections



Preceding 1864 AD

The Police foundation goes back to the old times as does the history and dialect of the country.

Amid The Rana Regime (1864-1951 AD)

Amid Rana Regime, little was done to regulate the Police Organization, setting up Milisiya, Thana police Chakki, office of Police executive general and so on which slowly molded The Nepal Police to this cutting edge "Nepal Police"

Amid The Period 1951 till 1990

Nepal saw the beginning of majority rules system after the fall of the Rana administration. The Police Headquarters was built up in 1952 in Kathmandu. Mr. Toran Shamsher J.B.Rana was designated the principal Inspector General of Police. The Police Act, 2012 BS (1955 AD) became effective. The Police Regulation, 2015 BS (1959 AD) came into effect.

The Parliamentary Government under the multi-party framework was received for a few years which was trailed by Panchayat System since 1960. The foundation of the Central Police Training Center in 1963 A.D.

From The Period 1990 Till Date[edit]

The Peoples vote based development of 1990 reestablished the multi party majority rule framework. The new constitution of the kingdom was declared on November 9, 1991. The Police Reform Commission was constituted in the year 1992 and Modernization of the Police Organization began to tune with the desires of the general population and standards of Multi-Party framework. The principal unforeseen of Police faculty was conveyed in UN Mission in 1991. More than 2000 police staff have officially left their feet serving the global group in blue protective cap. Nepal Police is the fundamental and guideline law implementation office of Nepal.

Nepal Police has absolute 67,416 police work force and has 2,344 perpetual and 507 brief police workplaces and units spread everywhere throughout the country.

The present head of Nepal Police is IGP Upendra Kant Aryal. (From on November 16, 2013 by the choice of Government of Nepal, dated November 11, 2013)

Head of Nepal Police

Toran Shumsher J.B.R.

Nara Shumsher J.B.R.

Gyan Bahadur Yakthumba

Gopal Shumsher J.B.R.

Purna Singh Khawas

Dhundi Raj Sharma

Tirtha Bahadur Shah

Pahal Singh Lama

Rom Bahadur Thapa

Khadgajeet Baral

Durlav Kumar Thapa

Dil Bahadur Lama

Sew Bahadur Singh

Ratna Shumsher J.B.R.

Moti Lal Bohora

Achyut Krishna Kharel

Dhruba Bahadur Pradhan

Pradip Shumsher J.B.R.

Shyam Bhakta Thapa

Om Bikram Rana

Sew Bahadur Gurung

Ramesh Chand Thakuri

Rabindra Pratap Shah

Kuber Singh Rana

Upendra Kant Aryal


There are four offices in the Police Headquarters that capacity to embrace the policing exercises of Nepal Police. These divisions are going either by DIGP OR AIGP. Notwithstanding the offices, there are National Police Academy and as of late settled Office of the Inspector General of Police that are likewise taken care of by Additional Inspector General of Police.

National Police Academy

AIGP Rajendra Singh Bhandari

Wrongdoing Investigation Department

AIGP Surendra Bahadur Shah

Organization Department

AIGP Birendra Babu Shrestha

Human Resource Development Department

AIGP Ramesh Shekhar Bajracharya

Operations Department

AIGP Ganeshraj Rai

Metropolitan Police Commissioner's Office

AIGP Bigyan Raj Sharma

Activity Police Division

Delegate Inspector General of Police Jaya Bahadur Chand

About National Police Academy:

National Police Academy of Nepal (NPA), some time ago known as the Sadar Prahari Talim Kendra, is a scholastic wing of Nepal Police. It is exclusively in charge of leading essential and propelled preparing modified for the cops in Nepal. AIGP Rajendra Singh Bhandari is the Executive Director of this Academy. The NPA is the zenith body of all Nepal Police Training Institutions in the nation. Its will likely create quality HR for Nepal Police to accomplish authoritative and singular destinations with a solid duty of administration and obligation to the general population. The Academy is set to be the 'Middle for Excellence' and is resolved to extend its asset base through tie-ups with s Naimilar establishments in and outside the nation. The fundamental destinations of NPA are:

To direct establishment preparing's (instigation courses) by offering formative chances to the senior cops and specialized cops.

To get ready police teachers required for the whole police preparing framework in Nepal Police and give consultancy administrations.

To offer and attempt propelled preparing for senior cops in the field of authority, administration and organization, proactive policing, group policing mentor's preparation, and so forth.

To augment imminent and substantive association with colleges in the important subjects and to recompense scholarly degrees to the students.

To sort out workshops, classes, symposiums,conferences and short courses in policing issues.

To complete quality examination exercises (required by Police Headquarters-PHQ) or to go about as an exploration personnel (subjective examination for the benefit of PHQ) with respect to police calling to grow diagnostically capacity.

To broaden help and counsel police central station i.e. consultancy administration rendered to PHQ in figuring preparing strategies.

Focal Polygraph Section

Nepal Police has begun utilizing Polygraph framework for believability appraisal in criminal and inside disciplinary examinations from 6 February 2014. Nepal Police has set up "Focal Polygraph Section" in Crime Investigation Department at Police Headquarters.

Research and Planning Directorate

Research and Planning (R&P)Directorate of Nepal Police was set up in 1987 as the examination and arranging division. Presently, the R&P Directorate is in charge of leading examination on the issues of institutional improvement and administration conveyance and making the arrangements in light of the discoveries of the exploration. The directorate is in charge of leading research and detailing arranges taking into account the exploration.

Inside and out 17 Research and arranging segments have been built up at departmental and territorial levels under R&P Directorate to construct a snappy system to encourage research and arranging exercises of Nepal police.


Uniform of the Nepal Police comprises of summer and winter gear.

Normal officers wear a light blue shirt with naval force blue jeans. Junior positions wear beret while high positioned officers wear Peaked top (with a blue band) with most senior officers with plaits on the crest.

Riot police (Special Task Force Police) wear blue DPM design disguise outfits will baseball hat. Winter uniform includes a blue coat or sweater.

Rank Insignia

Rank Insignia on epaulets

Assessor General (IGP) Two star pips, crossed Khukuri and police rod inside of a wreath of clears out

Extra Inspector General (AIG) one star pip, crossed Khukuri and police stick inside of a wreath of takes off

Appointee Inspector General (DIG) crossed Khukuri and police cudgel inside of a wreath of takes off

Senior Superintendent (SSP) three stars pips with crossed Khukuri and police implement

Director (SP) two stars pips with crossed Khukuri and police cudgel

Appointee Superintendent (DSP) one star pip, crossed Khukuri and police cudgel

Inspector crossed Khukuri and police implement

Sub Inspector two stars pips

Partner Sub Inspector one star pip

Police Head Constable None - wears three chevrons on shoulder

Police Constable None - wears a red and yellow shoulder strap

The token of the Nepalese Police are worn on headgear from all individuals. The seal comprises of:

Banner of Nepal as the peak

crossed Kukri and police implement inside of wreath of clears out

Name of police strengths in Nepalese in the adage at the botton

Source: Nepal Police


L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle - exceptional units

different shotguns

Riot weapon


Janakpur (IPA: [dʒəŋɑkpʊr]) otherwise called Janakpurdham is the managerial and capital city of the Mithila district of Nepal and is one of the recorded and religious urban communities of Nepal being the origination of Hindu goddesses Sita . Janakpur is likewise the managerial base camp of Dhanusa District of the Janakpur Zone and starting 2015 had a populace of 1,69287. The city is situated around 123 kilometers (76 mi) south-east of Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. Janakpur has a generous tourism industry because of its criticalness in the Hindu religion and is home to the main operational railroad in Nepal, the Nepal Railways.


1 History

2 Geography and atmosphere

3 Economy

4 Transport

5 Airlines and destinations

6 Demographics

7 Culture

7.1 Temples and celebrations

7.2 Art

7.3 Entertainment

7.4 Industries/Factory

8 Hospitals and Nursing Homes

9 Hotels

10 Education

10.1 Schools

10.2 Colleges

10.3 Library

11 Media

11.1 Radio stations

11.2 Newspapers

11.3 Television stations

11.4 Online News on Twitter

12 2015 Nepal quake

13 References

14 External connections


Fundamental articles: Mithila (old) and Kings of Mithila

Divinities of Sri Sita Devi (far right) and Sri Rama (focus) (with Sri Lakshmana (far left) and Sri Hanuman (beneath situated))

The Janakpur zone (Janakpur anchal), truly called Mithilanchal, is the spot where old Maithili society started. It has the origination of the Chhath celebration and the Maithili dialect and script.

The principal thousand years BC message Shatapatha Brahmana tells that the Nepalese Maithil lord Māthava Videgha, drove by his cleric Gotama Rahugana, initially crossed the Sadānirā (Gandaki) stream and established the South Asian kingdom of Videha, whose capital city was Janakpur. As Gotama Rahugana made numerous psalms in the Rigveda, these occasions must date to the Regvedic period.

The most vital authentic reference to Janakpur is in the Hindu epic Ramayana, where Rama's wife Sita Devi (additionally called Janaki in Nepal) is said to have been the Nepali princess of Videha. Her dad, King Janak of Videha, discovered child Sita in a wrinkle of a field on a visit to Siraha and brought up her as his little girl. When she grew up, the lord reported that she ought to be marry by whoever could string the celestial bow of Shiva. In spite of the fact that numerous imperial suitors attempted, Rama, ruler of Ayodhya, alone could even lift the bow. As Rama and Sita are real figures in Hinduism, Janakpur is an imperative Nepalese journey site for Hindus everywhere throughout the world.

Furthermore, Gautama Buddha, the organizer of Buddhism, and Vardhamana Mahavira, the 24th and last Tirthankara of the Jain religion, are said to have lived in Janakpur. The locale was a critical community for Nepalese history of Mithila amid the principal thousand years.

Geology and climate

Ratna Sagar, Janakpur

Janakpur is situated in the Terai, alluvial, forested and mucky landscape at the base of the Himalaya mountain range. The real streams encompassing Janakpur are Dudhmati, Jalad, Rato, Balan and Kamala. Janakpur is celebrated for its sanctuaries and the various lakes which convey huge religious significance.

One can see all the six seasons in Janakpur. Basant ritu (Spring - February/March), Grisma ritu (Summer - April/May/June), Barsha ritu (Rainy - July/August), Sharad ritu (Autumn - September/October), Hemanta ritu (Autumn-winter - November/December), Shishir ritu (Winter - December/January).

The best time to visit Janakpur is from September to March as the climate is lovely and a few celebrations fall amid this period.

Atmosphere information for Janakpur Airport (1981-2010)

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year

Normal high °C (°F) 22.2

(72) 26.0

(78.8) 31.2

(88.2) 34.8

(94.6) 34.6

(94.3) 34.1

(93.4) 32.5

(90.5) 32.7

(90.9) 32.3

(90.1) 31.7

(89.1) 29.3

(84.7) 25.1

(77.2) 30.5


Every day mean °C (°F) 15.6

(60.1) 18.6

(65.5) 23.4

(74.1) 27.7

(81.9) 29.3

(84.7) 30.0

(86) 29.3

(84.7) 29.6

(85.3) 28.8

(83.8) 26.8

(80.2) 22.5

(72.5) 18.0

(64.4) 25.0


Normal low °C (°F) 9.1

(48.4) 11.3

(52.3) 15.5

(59.9) 20.6

(69.1) 24.0

(75.2) 25.9

(78.6) 26.1

(79) 26.4

(79.5) 25.3

(77.5) 22.0

(71.6) 15.7

(60.3) 10.9

(51.6) 19.4


Normal precipitation mm (inches) 11.7

(0.461) 11.4

(0.449) 11.5

(0.453) 52.2

(2.055) 128.3

(5.051) 238.7

(9.398) 487.6

(19.197) 339.4

(13.362) 197.5

(7.776) 63.9

(2.516) 1.9

(0.075) 8.4

(0.331) 1,552.5


Source: Department Of Hydrology and Meteorology


Janakpur is one of the quick creating urban communities of Nepal and is the fifth sub-metropolitan city of Nepal. The city has great social insurance offices and various parks and in addition great tuition based schools and universities and Internet administration suppliers. There are medicinal and designing schools which are associated to the T.U. (Tribhuvan University). The economy is for the most part taking into account Tourism , farming and neighborhood commercial ventures.

Janakpur draws in vagrants from the encompassing zone, who move to the city for medicinal consideration, training and occupations. The biggest manager was the Janakpur Cigarette Factory Limited and Janakpur Railway till 2013, now both are shut because of political defilement.

Shiv Chowk, Janakpur


A train at Janakpur railroad station.

Janakpur Airport Terminal

The tight gage Janakpur Railway is the main operational railroad in Nepal. It associates Janakpur to the Indian outskirt at Siraha on the Nepal side with a traditions checkpoint for products and Jaynagar, Bihar.

Janakpur has a residential air terminal (IATA: JKR, ICAO: VNJP) with most flights associating with Kathmandu. Incessant transport administrations work in the middle of Janakpur and different urban communities of Nepal. Inside of the city, explorers may procure cycle rickshaws/E-rickas , Tempo/Taxi or take city transports and automobiles. Neighborhood individuals additionally utilize bikes. Great Choice Travels and Tours P. Ltd is No. 1 Adress In Janakpurdham contact No. 00977-41526626/525146.... .

Aircrafts and destinations

Airlines Destinations

Buddha Air Kathmandu

Gorkha Airlines Kathmandu

Sita Air Kathmandu

Sasquatch Airlines Kathmandu


According to the 2011 enumeration, Janakpur was home to around 97,776 individuals. By and by, after it was pronounced a sub-metropolitan city fusing 11 encompassing towns, this has taken off to 169,287 individuals, making it the 6th biggest city in Nepal. Maithili dialect is generally talked in the territory as the main dialect. Nepali, Hindi and English, and so forth are surely knew. Other comparative dialects like Bhojpuri and Awadhi are likewise seen however generally less as often as possible utilized.


Sanctuaries and festivals

The focal point of Janakpur is ruled by the great Janaki Mandir toward the north and west of the bazaar. This sanctuary, one of the greatest in Nepal, was implicit 1898 (1955 in the Nepali logbook) by Queen Brisabhanu Kunwar of Tikamgarh. It is likewise called "Nau Lakha Mandir" after the expense of development, said to be nine (nau) lakh. The most seasoned sanctuary in Janakpur is Sri Ram Temple, worked by the Gurkhali trooper Amar Singh Thapa. Pilgrims additionally visit the more than 200 sacrosanct lakes in the city for custom showers. The two most essential, Dhanush Sagar and Ganga Sagar, are found near the downtown area. The Vivah Mandap sanctuary where Lord Rama and Sita are said to have been hitched. It is arranged alongside the Janki Mandir. Ram Tower is situated toward the south of Ram Temple. It was initiated by previous Prime Minister Mr Sushil Koirala.

Ram Janaki Biwaha Mandap

Chhath in Janakpur

Real religious festivals incorporate the real Hindu celebrations, for example, Dipawali, and Vijayadashami.[9] took after by terrific Chhath (sun love) six days after Dipawali. Both the celebrations Dipawali and Chhath are vigorously celebrated with a jamboree like environment. Local people take pride in the way these celebrations are commended.

On the full moon day of February/March before the celebration of Holi, a one-day Parikrama (circumambulation) of the city is commended. Numerous individuals offer prostrated obeisances along the whole eight km course. Two different celebrations honor Rama and Sita: Rama Navami, the birthday of Lord Rama, in March–April, draws a large number of pilgrims. And the Vivah Panchami or Vivah celebration re-institutes the wedding of Rama and Sita at the renowned Vivah Mandap sanctuary on the fifth day of the waxing moon in November or early December(after Kartik Purnima),where Rama broke the bow of Shiva.

Explorers stay in one of the city's five great inns or little visitor houses. There are additionally five completely prepared dharmashalas (shabby lodgings for explorers).

Janakpur Railway Station Platform

Janaki Mandir


Maithili ladies are known for their customary workmanship, particularly their artistic creations on stoneware, dividers and yards. These Mithila Paintings are popular globally.


Janakpur has five film theaters: 1. Aasha Cinema Hall 2. Girija Hall 3. Shri Hanuman Talkies 4. Neelam Theater 5. Ram Janaki Picture Palace

They indicate new and old motion pictures in Maithili, Bhojpuri, Nepali and Hindi. Hollywood motion pictures are not that much famous among local people.

Aside from this, few stage appears, shows and plays are incidentally sorted out by the neighborhood clubs and associations. Noticeable among these is Mithila Natyakala Parishad(MINAP), which is a not-revenue driven association, guaranteeing to be committed towards advancing Mithila culture.

Commercial ventures/Factory

1. Water Mom (Drinking Water Manufacturer and Supplier)

Water Mom is Nepali Brand. It works its business from Janakpur. Supplies Packed savoring water 1Ltr and 20Ltr Jar inside of 50 KM of Janakpur valley. ""Exceptional administration:- Serve Door-to-Door Jar water inside Janakpur""